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ONC Certification


This section is under construction. Certification is in progress and not yet complete.

The following materials are related to ONC Certification.

Mandatory Disclosures

Developer Organization NameOrangebot, Inc. DBA Medplum
Date the product was certified
Product Name and VersionMedplum, 2
Unique Certification Number
Certification CriteriaCriteria link
PricingOffering Grid
Registration ProcessInstructions

This Health IT Module is 2015 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Materials and Usage

Resource NameDescriptionAccess
ChecklistChecklist for certificationRequest Access
Decision GuideDecision framework for which certification to pursueRequest Access
Certified Product List (CHPL)Search tool for certified
ONC 2015E Cures Base EHRRequirements for a basic EHR per Cures
CMS-specific CEHRTCertification for CMS
Reference ImplementationSample EHR codeGithub
Account SetupExample account setup botGithub
CMS QueriesCMS reportable metricsRequest Access
EHR DefinitionDescription of what defines an

Criteria Certified

This is the list of criteria that are already complete or are in active development. Related to this criteria these scripts are for the Medplum team only.

d1Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
d9Trusted connection
d10Auditing actions on Health Information
d12Encrypt Authentication Credentials
d13Multi-factor Authentication
g4Quality Management System
g5Accessibility-Centered Design
g10Standardized API for Patient and Population Services

The following criteria are required for CHPL listing: d12, d13, g4, g5.

Criteria Extended List

This is the list of criteria extended criteria that will follow the above.

a1Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Medication
a2CPOE - Laboratory Orders
a3Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Diagnostic Imaging
a9Clinical Decision Support
a14Implantable device list
b1Transition of Care
c1Clinical Quality Measures - record and export
g7Application Access Patient Selection
g9Application Access All Data Request
h1Direct Project, Edge Protocol and XDR/XDM

Self-Attested Criteria

CPOE Medication (a1)

CPOE Laboratory (a2)

CPOE Imaging (a3)

Drug-drug, Drug-allergy Interaction Checks (a4)

Demographics (a5)

Clinical Decision Support (a9)

Drug-Formulary Checks (a10)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Family Health History (a12)

Patient-specific Education Resources (a13)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Implantable Device List (a14)

Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Data (a15)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implementation via Medplum Questionnaires (tutorial here)

EHI Export (b10)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Authentication, Access Control, Authorization (d1)

Medplum attests to this criteria. Links provided below.

  • The ability to authenticate the user (authentication)
  • Ability to establish permitted user access (authorization)
  • Related Materials: Overview
  • Related Materials: Access Policies
  • Related Materials: Inviting a user

Auditable Events and Tamper Resistant (d2)

Medplum attests to this criteria. Links and description provided below.

  • Demonstrates synchronization to a configured NTP server through use of Amazon Time Sync Service.
  • Audit log records actions related to electronic health information, audit log status, and encryption status.
  • Audit log records the audit log status and/or the encryption status.
  • Audit logging is based off of AuditEvent FHIR resources which are written to AWS CloudWatch, write to which is limited to the Medplum team only and to which access and edits are logged.
  • Audit Log Link on Medplum app
  • Related Material: Amazon Time Sync Service
  • Related Material: Audit Log Commits and Issues on Github
  • Logging - TODO: Tutorial

Audit Report(s) (d3)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Amendments (d4)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Automatic Access Time-Out (d5)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Emergency Access (d6)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

End-user Device Encryption (d7)

Integrity (d8)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implemented by Medplum

Trusted connection (d9)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Auditing actions on health information (d10)

Medplum attests to this criteria. Links and description provided below.

Accounting of Disclosures (d11)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Encrypt Authentication Credentials (d12)

Multi-factor Authentication (d13)

Medplum attests to this criteria. Links and description provided below.

Secure Messaging (e2)

Patient Health Information Capture (e3)

Transmit to Public Health Agencies – case reporting (f5)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Safety-enhanced Design (g3)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Quality Management System (g4)

Medplum attests to this criteria. Medplum practices Agile development.

Accessibility-Centered Design (g5)

With regard to application development, no accessibility-centered design standard or law was applied.

Application Access – Patient Selection (g7)

Live Tested Criteria

As it relates to Live Testing, these are the resources for Medplum team only.

Transition of Care (b1)

Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation (b2)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Electronic Prescribing (b3)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

Care Plan (b9)

Clinical Quality Measures – record and export (c1)

Technical outcome – The health IT must be able to record all data necessary to calculate CQMs presented for certification.

Clinical Quality Measures – import and calculate (c2)

Clinical Quality Measures - report (c3)

Clinical Quality Measures – filter (c4)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR

View, Download, Transmit to 3rd Party (e1)

This relates to the parsing and handling of CCD-A.

Transmit to Immunization Registries (f1)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Transmit to Public Health Agencies – syndromic surveillance (f2)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Transmit to Public Health Agencies – reportable laboratory tests (f3)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Transmit to Cancer Registries (f4)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Transmit to Public Health Agencies – antimicrobial use and resistance reporting (f6)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Transmit to Public Health Agencies – health care surveys (f7)

  • Not included in ONC 2015E Cures Base EHR
  • Implement using Medplum Bots (tutorials)

Automated Numerator / Measure Calculation (g1-g2)

Consolidated CDA Creation Performance (g6)

  • TODO: Need tutorial on creating and importing a CCDA document

Application Access – Data Category Request (g8)

Application Access – All Data Request (g9)

Standardized API for Patient and Population Services (Cures Update) (g10)

Direct Project

Direct Project, Edge Protocol, and XDR/XDM (h1)

Access Control